Friday, June 20, 2008

Who let the dogs out?

Scotland has many dogs. Which is nice.

I've seen so many new types of dogs when in Scotland. Lots of cute ones too. Dachshunds, Chih-Tzus, etc etc. However, I saw a really unique-looking breed last week, and OMG it was the cutest thing too. I stopped the lady walking it and asked what breed was it.

I don't get Scottish accents sometimes.

Lady: "It's Anerdel."
Me: "What?"
Lady: "Anerdeeeel."
Me: ......How do you spell it?
Lady: "It's an A-I-R-E-D-A-L-E."


So how does an Airedale look like?

Meet Dharma (left) and Kramer (right)

OMG cuteness overload. They're also quite large as well (perhaps about the size of a Dalmatian), so it's rather unusual I find them so adorable.

Airedale puppies!

Unfortunately that also means there's dog poo everywhere on the street. When I walk to work and back, I always have to make sure that I stay right in the centre of the street. Not because I think I'm the grandest person there is, but because dogs poo all over the sides.

If you're not careful, you might end up being very unpopular at work on that day.

The French pay a lot of attention to how they behave, smell, and look. In fact, they pay so much attention to themselves that they don't bother how their dogs behave and poop all over the street, nor how the street looks or smells - as long as the dog doesn't poop at their expensively coiffed homes. Parisian streets permanently have wonderful waftage of cigarette smoke and dog poo. What would you call that scent? L'eau tabac et merde du chien? Sexy. Unlike their Parisian counterpartrs, Scottish dog-owners (and my are there a lot of them) are generally very clean and clear up after their dogs. But obviously not all do, hence the land-mines keeping my mind alert on the way to work early in the morning.

Although they clean up after their dogs, 'clean' might be a confused word here. They usually bring a plastic bag with them when they bring their dog walking. And if their dog does its thing, they use the plastic bag like an odd glove and pick the offending object up.


It's not a problem usually. But I saw a lady, after acquiring a steaming lump of organic matter from her pooch, proceeded to continue into a supermarket and do her shopping while still holding on to that thingy!

I didn't dare watch - but how the hell do you do your shopping while holding dog poo? You use one hand to hold your basket, and one to take things from shelves. So how do you hold your poo? Do you put it in your shopping basket too?

Ewww. Don't confuse it with your Cumberland sausages or black pudding ok.


Stan said...

"But I saw a lady, after acquiring a steaming lump of organic matter from her pooch, proceeded to continue into a supermarket and do her shopping while still holding on to that thingy!"

AHAHAHAAHAHAH.....fking funny kns !!

Wen Pink said...

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